Kirsten Ostherr

WEBSITE(S)| Kirsten Ostherr

I am a media scholar, health researcher, and technology analyst in the School of Humanities at Rice University. My recent research on trust and privacy in digital health ecosystems has been featured in Slate, The Washington Post (about Facebook & Humanistic AI), Big Data & Society, and Catalyst.

I'm the author of two books about technology, public health, medicine, and media: Medical Visions: Producing the Patient Through Film, Television and Imaging Technologies (Oxford University Press, 2013) and Cinematic Prophylaxis: Globalization and Contagion in the Discourse of World Health (Duke University Press, 2005). I recently edited Applied Media Studies (Routledge, 2018), and co-edited "Science/Animation," a special issue of the journal Discourse (2016). I'm currently writing a book called Quantified Health: Learning from Patient Stories in the Age of Big Data.