Rebekka Lauer

Rebekka Lauer studied product design with a focus on interaction design at Weißensee Art Academy Berlin, Germany. Until December 2018, she is a research associate at the Cluster of Excellence An Interdisciplinary Laboratory. Image Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Her research for the project Image Guidance traced the ways in which medical images are produced and used within the field of neurosurgery. This project included field research at the Department of Neurosurgery at CharitÉ© Berlin University Hospital, where Rebekka analyzed the needs of users employing medical images and related software applications in various clinical settings and daily routines. Her research challenges the gap between the analogue and the digital work environments: how do workplaces, tools, and routines shape non-technological practices? How do they need to be reflected in technological workspaces and tools?